Antes, en muchas mitologías, se creía en las sirenas, mujeres mitad pez, mitad humanas. En algunas mitologías, las sirenas eran personas buenas, y en otras eran horrorosas mujeres que, con su canto atraían a marineros y se los llevaban al fondo del mar, una vez allí, los devoraban.
La pregunta es: ¿De verdad existen?
Hace un par de años, en la costa de México encontraron una supuesta sirena. Tenía los dientes como un tigre dientes de sable, era gris, y no era para nada bella.
Previously, in many mythologies, it was believed in mermaids, women half fish, half human. In some mythology, sirens were good people, and other women were horrible, with their songs lured sailors and took them into the sea, once there, the sirens ate sailors.
The question is: Do they really exist?
A couple of years, on the coast of Mexico found a supposedly siren. Her teeth like a saber-toothed tiger, was gray and was not at all beautiful.
Some say it was a hoax, others say it was real, but really, what do you think? I leave you with a brief survey about this strange occurrence ...
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